Monday, May 30, 2011

Courtney Love Gets Into Twitter Trouble Again

Courtney Love Gets Into Twitter Trouble Again
Remember back in March when Courtney Love settled a defamation lawsuit that was brought against her and the things she said on her official Twitter profile? Yeah, well … she’s at it again. After that legal matter was settled, Courtney got back on Twitter and started running her mouth again. Now she’s being sued by [...]

Remember back in March when Courtney Love settled a defamation lawsuit that was brought against her and the things she said on her official Twitter profile? Yeah, well … she’s at it again. After that legal matter was settled, Courtney got back on Twitter and started running her mouth again. Now she’s being sued by one of her attorneys that she’s allegedly been bad-mouthing on Twitter. Clearly, C. Love is not one to learn her lessons.

It was only 140 characters and still Courtney Love managed to say too much. The faded rocker is in serious trouble again for another Twitter rant … According to one of her former lawyers, Love made libelous statements about the legal eagle on Twitter and in an interview, claiming the attorney took bribes while representing Love. The complaint, filed Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court and obtained by E! News, claims Love libeled San Diego-based Gordon & Holmes when she wrote on Twitter that one of the firm’s partners, Rhonda Holmes, sold Love out in a battle over money owed the estate of her late husband, Nirvana frontman Kurt Cobain. According to court documents, Love didn’t like the firm’s handling of her affairs, particularly when Holmes requested Love desist from “any and all substance abuse” during the attorney-client relationship. Love ended up firing Gordon & Holmes only to return several months later asking to represent her again. But when the firm refused, per the suit, that’s when Love went off publicly. “I was fucking devastated when Rhonda J Holmes Esq of San Diego was bought off…,” Love stated in a tweet cited in court documents … Holmes claims such remarks have damaged her credibility and hurt her firm’s business. She is seeking unspecified damages. Love’s attorney couldn’t be reached for comment.

If there is one person on Earth who should not be tweeting her every thought, it’s Courtney Love … like, seriously. For the record, C. Love has another, newer Twitter account HERE where she’s been spouting off on other nonsensical rants … but I’m sure it won’t be long until she allegedly defames someone else and gets sued … again.

Oh and in other news, in a new interview, Courtney claims that her heroin addiction began at Charlie Sheen‘s home:

Courtney Love has admitted that she became addicted to heroin after attending a party at actor Charlie Sheen’s house. Speaking with rehabilitation-focused magazine The Fix, the Hole frontwoman said that her battle with the drug began during a party at Sheen’s mansion. She said: “One night, my boyfriend at the time, who was working for Ben Stiller, took me to this star-studded party at Charlie Sheen’s house in Malibu. Tom Cruise, Madonna my friend Jennifer Finch, who used to be in L7. At some point Jennifer convinced me to shoot up. ‘Come on, everyone’s doing it.’ So that’s when my whole heroin drama began.” The singer added that after battling addiction, she had only relapsed once, in 2005 and then it was with the intention of committing suicide. She said: “I promised I would never shoot heroin again, and I haven’t, except for one incident in July 2005, where I shot myself up on purpose to kill myself.”

Um … not that I disbelieve that Charlie Sheen‘s home is the place where many addictions, heroin or otherwise, got their start but it seems really suspicious that Courtney is talking about Charlie Sheen right now … in light of his messy insanity. Also, is it a good idea for an addiction magazine to be talking to Courtney Love? I mean, seriously?!? I know Courtney Love would like for people not to call her “crazy” but … damn, girl. I don’t even know what to say anymore.

[Source, Source]

Eliza Dushku
Adriana Lima

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