Monday, May 2, 2011

President Obama Skewers Donald Trump At The White House Correspondent’s Dinner

President Obama Skewers Donald Trump At The White House Correspondent’s Dinner
In the past few weeks, Donald Trump jumped on board the “birther” movement bandwagon that called into question the citizenship of President Barack Obama in an effort, I believe, to draw attention to himself in the hopes of possibly running for president at some point. Last night, Trump was among the guests at the annual [...]

In the past few weeks, Donald Trump jumped on board the “birther” movement bandwagon that called into question the citizenship of President Barack Obama in an effort, I believe, to draw attention to himself in the hopes of possibly running for president at some point. Last night, Trump was among the guests at the annual White House Correspondent’s Dinner in Washington DC and got a LOT of attention drawn to him as he became the foolish butt of the BRILLIANT comic stylings of President Obama (and then Trump got skewered again by Seth Meyers). Trust me, you MUST watch the video below of President Obama and Meyers skewering Trump and very effectively turning him into the literal joke that he has become.

President Barack Obama got some serious jabs in last night against birther and presidential hopeful Donald Trump at the White House Correspondents Dinner, making light of the birth certificate controversy that the real estate mogul had made the centerpiece of his campaign. Obama was speaking at the annual event in Washington, D.C., that calls for the president to do a bit of comedy. His main target was Trump, who was at the event as a guest of the Washington Post. According to several media reports today, Trump was visibly uncomfortable as the president mocked his birther crusade. Obama chided Trump and his work on his NBC reality television show “The Apprentice,” focusing on his decision last month to fire Gary Busey instead of rock singer Meat Loaf. “These are the types of decisions that would keep me up at night,” Obama joked. “Well handled, sir.” Obama said he would begin his remarks with a supposed video of his own birth — a reference to the media attention surrounding questions of his birthplace — and then showed a clip from Disney’s “The Lion King.” Comedian Seth Meyers, the night’s main comedic voice, was a bit more relentless with his mocking of Trump. “Donald Trump often talks about running as a Republican, which is surprising,” Meyers said. “I just assumed he was running as a joke.” And also: “Donald Trump owns the Miss USA pageant, which is great for Republicans because it will stream line their search for a vice president.” During Meyers’ bit, Trump can be seen in the video staring icily back.

Brilliant. Just … brilliant. I truly hope this will effectively shut Donald Trump up for good … it’s wishful thinking, I’m sure, but just watching him seethe as he impotently sat there as the butt of the joke was just … brilliant. Well done, President Obama. Well done, Seth Meyers. You’re DONE, Donald Trump ;)

[Source, Source, Source]

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