Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Rapture Bomb

Rapture Bomb
As you may know, yesterday was said to be the End of the World by a few nutty folks and altho the majority of sane people did not take the Rapture seriously, many folks did use the opportunity to have some fun. As I mentioned before, our friends Tam and Rob hosted a Judgment Day [...]

As you may know, yesterday was said to be the End of the World by a few nutty folks and altho the majority of sane people did not take the Rapture seriously, many folks did use the opportunity to have some fun. As I mentioned before, our friends Tam and Rob hosted a Judgment Day BBQ and decorated their front yard with clothes that made it look like they were Raptured into Heaven. Rob posted a photo on Twitter and caught the attention of news media around the world … including the Daily Mail in the UK which featured his photo in a report on Rapture Day. Check out Rob’s world famous #RaptureBomb photo below.

It was billed as the biggest event of all time. But, after mighty earthquakes and fiery rain failed to raze the Earth, those hoping it really would be the the end of the world yesterday were left disappointed. Still, predictions that Christ’s second coming would herald the ‘Rapture’ – in which believers are delivered to Heaven, while the rest of us are condemned to Hell – certainly lit up imaginations. As the 6pm deadline passed without Armageddon being unleashed, a tidal wave of doomsday jokes and pictures flooded the internet. Around the world, web surfers posted surreal pictures of clothes looking as though their previous human occupant had miraculously vanished. Although, in fact, the only person to actually disappear was Harold Camping, the 89-year-old retired civil engineer who predicted the Rapture. Camping, who lives few miles from his radio station, was not home late morning Saturday, and an additional attempt to seek comment from him late in the evening also was unsuccessful, with no one answering his front door. He has as yet to make any comment about yet another failed doomsday prediction. He has said that his earlier apocalyptic prediction in 1994 didn’t come true because of a mathematical error. Last month he said: ‘I’m not embarrassed about it. It was just the fact that it was premature, there is … no possibility that it will not happen.’ Twitter followers revelled in mock disappointment. Gavin Middleton wrote: ‘It’s 13 minutes past the Rapture here in New Zealand. I’m still holding out hope for the trumpet call.’ One of Camping’s followers who must be truly disappointed is Michael Garcia. After spending months travelling the country to put up Judgement Day billboards and hand out Bible tracts, he planned to spend Friday evening with his family at home in Alameda, near the Christian media empire’s Oakland headquarters. ‘We know the end will begin in New Zealand and will follow the sun and roll on from there,’ said Garcia, a 39-year-old father of six. ‘That’s why God raised up all the technology and the satellites so everyone can see it happen at the same time.’ Camping has built a multi-million-dollar non-profit ministry based on his apocalyptic prediction. They believe the end of the world today will likely start as it becomes 6pm in the world’s various time zones. Unfortunately for Mr Garcia – but fortunately for New Zealanders – the world kept on turning.

Here is the caption that The Daily Mail published with Rob‘s photo:

Together for all eternity: A couple – clearly pure of heart – leave their worldly possessions behind for the hereafter, in a cute photobomb posted on the net by Rob Sheridan

LOL! I love it. The funniest thing is that for Hallowe’en last year, Rob and Tam dressed as religious fanatics and these clothes are the clothes they wore as their costumes … just brilliant. I don’t know if any of y’all had any fun Rapture Day parties or events but let me tell you, we had a blast. I’m glad that the whole world gets to see how much fun we tend to have around here … Rapture or no Rapture ;)

[Source, Source]

Olivia Wilde
Megan Fox

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