Wednesday, September 1, 2010

BULLSEYE 8/27 Follow-Up: ‘Takers’ and ‘Exorcism’ bloody the box office

BULLSEYE 8/27 Follow-Up: ‘Takers’ and ‘Exorcism’ bloody the box office
MV5BMTI3OTI1MDMzNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMjg1Nzg0Mw@@._V1._SX640_SY427_What a surprising weekend! Moviegoers didn't abandon the late-summer offerings as I thought they would. Screen Gems' "Takers" and Lionsgate's "The Last Exorcism" both performed much better than expected. And while Monday's preliminary box office results put the spooker ahead with $21.3 million to "Takers'" $21.0 million, I'm not convinced the final numbers will shake out [...]

Nicole Scherzinger
Katie Cassidy
Arielle Kebbel

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