Wednesday, September 22, 2010

BULLSEYE 9/17 Follow-Up: ‘The Town’ tops ‘Devil,’ ‘Easy’ and ‘Omega’

BULLSEYE 9/17 Follow-Up: ‘The Town’ tops ‘Devil,’ ‘Easy’ and ‘Omega’
MV5BMjIxMzYyODkyMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNDIxMzQ3Mw@@._V1._SX640_SY427_I never managed to get the Bullseye up last Thursday, so I don't have any weekend predictions to contrast with today's preliminary box office results. (I stuck the grid at bottom, after the jump, so you can do your own analysis after the fact.) The basics are that Ben Affleck's "The Town" came out especially strong, [...]

Olivia Wilde
Megan Fox

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