Thursday, September 23, 2010

J.J. Abrams casts up ‘Super 8′ for West Virginia shoot

J.J. Abrams casts up ‘Super 8′ for West Virginia shoot
MV5BMjI3MzY5MzQxMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNzk4Njk3._V1._SX359_SY269_Kyle Chandler and Elle Fanning are taking the leads in J.J. Abrams’ mysterious new film “Super 8,” which began shooting in West Virginia on Monday, Paramount announced. Ron Eldard, Noah Emmerich, Gabriel Basso, Joel Courtney, Riley Griffiths, Ryan Lee and Zach Mills round out the main cast. Abrams wrote the screenplay, about which very little is [...]

Anna Kournikova
Hayden Panettiere
Cameron Diaz

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