Sunday, June 26, 2011

Dr. Murray Will NEVER Cop a Plea in MJ Death

Dr. Murray Will NEVER Cop a Plea in MJ Death

Filed under: Michael Jackson, Conrad Murray, Celebrity Justice

Sources directly connected to Dr. Conrad Murray tell TMZ ... the Doc will not accept any plea bargain from the L.A. County District Attorney in the Michael Jackson manslaughter case.


We're told Dr. Murray feels so strongly about his innocence, even a plea with no jail time would be out of the question.�

Fact is ... Dr. Murray shouldn't hold his breath, because no plea bargain has been offered and sources tell us the D.A. will not offer one.

As for Murray's defense ... we're told the centerpiece revolves around the fact that only two people were in the room around the time MJ died, and Murray insists he did not administer the fatal dose of Propofol.

The operating theory of Murray's lawyers -- when the Doc left to go to the bathroom, a frustrated MJ woke up and administered the fatal dose himself in a desperate attempt to get some sleep.

So we ask ...

Lyell Dmariejrzy

I had thought Michael did slowly kill himself, with all his doctors that enabled him. Rabbi Schmuli has tapes of Michael and he was very unhappy and very aware of his actions. Dr. Conrad is guilty, but not of murder, but of neglect and greed. We lost the King of Pop by so many factors, he was a genius who was very intelligent.

Mr. Clean jealous of kate

It will never ever end, MJ's fans will always think of him as a God who was not a drug abuser, who was a SAINT, and was murdered. Others see him-some as a pedophile, where some kids have never come foward (and yes, I know, the last case was BS, a family smelling $$$$), a con artist that stole tapes from Paul Anka, (big embarrassment for the estate with that BIG Thing with the handcuffs and briefcase escorting the case to be delivered and it was an old so so song of Anka's, and Anka was NICE ABOUT IT). MJ was in deep debt when he died, but he still was a big enabler to his family ('cept Janet, maybe laToya, and not to Reba)Those idiot brothers NEVER GREW UP BECAUSE OF HIM. NEVER LEARNED RESPONSIBILITY. In Debt, he put his mother into a MANSION! She did not need a mansion, a nice house maybe, but not a mansion and all that money a month. HE WAS THE SUPREME ENABLER AND BECAUSE OF THIS, NOT ONE OF THEM HAD THE BACKBONE TO COME FORWARD TO TRY TO HELP HIM COME CLEAN. His death, HIS FAULT, BUT HIS FAMILY STOOD BY AND WATCHED! They did not want to lose their allowances, so it was better not to talk to him then to help him or keep him from DYING!!!! So, in guilt, they blame others!!!!

SUN Scottt

In my opinion Dr. Murray was at worst an "ENABLER", and is not a murderer, quite the opposite. Wether he died with the Propofol or not, it was going to happen sooner than later. I (being a former prescription pain killer addict), know that it was just a matter of time. This addiction leads to 2 things: Jail, or Death, and being Michael Jackson, you don't go to jail....

Lyell Dmariejrzy

I had thought Michael did slowly kill himself, with all his doctors that enabled him. Rabbi Schmuli has tapes of Michael and he was very unhappy and very aware of his actions. Dr. Conrad is guilty, but not of murder, but of neglect and greed. We lost the King of Pop by so many factors, he was a genius who was very intelligent.

Mr. Clean jealous of kate

It will never ever end, MJ's fans will always think of him as a God who was not a drug abuser, who was a SAINT, and was murdered. Others see him-some as a pedophile, where some kids have never come foward (and yes, I know, the last case was BS, a family smelling $$$$), a con artist that stole tapes from Paul Anka, (big embarrassment for the estate with that BIG Thing with the handcuffs and briefcase escorting the case to be delivered and it was an old so so song of Anka's, and Anka was NICE ABOUT IT). MJ was in deep debt when he died, but he still was a big enabler to his family ('cept Janet, maybe laToya, and not to Reba) Those idiot brothers NEVER GREW UP BECAUSE OF HIM. NEVER LEARNED RESPONSIBILITY. In Debt, he put his mother into a MANSION! She did not need a mansion, a nice house maybe, but not a mansion and all that money a month. HE WAS THE SUPREME ENABLER AND BECAUSE OF THIS, NOT ONE OF THEM HAD THE BACKBONE TO COME FORWARD TO TRY TO HELP HIM COME CLEAN. His death, HIS FAULT, BUT HIS FAMILY STOOD BY AND WATCHED! They did not want to lose their allowances, so it was better not to talk to him then to help him or keep him from DYING!!!! So, in guilt, they blame others!!!!

SUN Scottt

In my opinion Dr. Murray was at worst an "ENABLER", and is not a murderer, quite the opposite. Wether he died with the Propofol or not, it was going to happen sooner than later. I (being a former prescription pain killer addict), know that it was just a matter of time. This addiction leads to 2 things: Jail, or Death, and being Michael Jackson, you don't go to jail....

Lyell Carl

Enabling an addict is a crime, especially when it is a doctor doing it. Yes, Michael, like all people, are ultimately responsible for their own actions. But when others do actions that are obviously harmful (directly or indirectly) to another person they need to be held accountable. Basically, if Murray and other doctors refused to knowingly give him harmful medications Jackson would probably be alive today.

Mr. Clean wow

Dr. Murray accepted the position knowing full well what it entailed. He wanted all the perks that came with the job and along with that came the responsibility. He can't have it both ways. Dr. Murray took an oath to act in the best interest of the patient and he failed miserably. He should lose his license. MJ was a kind and gifted person. He was a humanitarian with a wonderful smile but he wasn't perfect and lived in a "bubble" at times. It's unfortunate he became addicted to painkillers and propofol for he was always against drugs. Unfortunately, it can happen to anyone as only too many know. It's a shame he couldn't find an alternative to propofol for his insomnia or at least taken better precautions.

SUN KikiOttawa

Dr. Murray is guilty of failing to put MJ’s health and wellbeing before everything else. Did Dr. Murray make MJ an addict? No, MJ did that but Dr. M certainly enabled, provided legal access to drugs and assisted MJ in his addiction. He deserves to be punished in an appropriate manner. That is to say, the public trial is not fair as had his patient been Joe Blow from Noweheresville, Arizona, none of this attention would be on him. He did wrong, but the prosecution seems to be geared to who the patient was not what the doctor did. He should be subjected to the same sanctions for his part in MJ’s death as he would in Joe Blow of AZ.

Lyell Stef

MJ was a drug doubt about it..but Dr. Murray was a doctor who did NOT keep the oath he took when he became a doctor to 'do no harm'. He, along with others, supplied MJ with drugs and in Murray's case, Propofol-something that was NOT to be used outside of a hospital/surgical facility setting and more importantly is NOT used to treat insomnia. Of course he's responsible. He left the room and left his patient while giving him the Propofol. He's an a**. Heaven help the morons who continue to use him as their physician.

Mr. Clean Satish Desai

Here is a suggested defense for Dr. Murray that might get him out of trouble:

Dr. Murray was a paid employee of Michael Jackson's promoter company - whatever the name was. In other words, Dr. Murray was not free to act on his own, as an independent professional who had control on what treatment he can give to his patient, without the fear of loosing his job. He was rather, obligated to follow the instructions of his employer, or else get fired.

As such, Mr. Murray (not Dr. Murray in this case) can not be held responsible for injuries or death caused by his actions which were performed under immediate control of his employer. The state would have to prove that Murray injected certain drug without the consent of MJ, in defiance of MJ's instructions, and with the intention of harming MJ.

To prevent such tragedies in the future, the State of California would have to pass a law prohibiting employment of physicians by their patients.

SUN Ziggy

I love Michael dearly, but he was an addict. I believe he was impatient, and frustrated, and likely gave himself a massive dose when he couldn't get to sleep. Having said that, Mr. Murray illegally brought Propofol into the house. He did not monitor Michael while he was under the influence of the drug, and he left the drug alone with the patient. These careless actions led to the death of Michael, therefore, he is guilty.



Olivia Wilde
Megan Fox

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