Friday, June 24, 2011

Lindsay Lohan Reportedly Fails An Alcohol Test While On House Arrest

Lindsay Lohan Reportedly Fails An Alcohol Test While On House Arrest
Lord … you knew it was bound to happen AGAIN sooner or later. Wonder of wonders, Lindsay Lohan — who is currently on house arrest after being convicted of jewelry theft and probation violation — has been ordered back to court this morning after she reportedly failed at least one of two alcohol tests. Lohan [...]

Lord … you knew it was bound to happen AGAIN sooner or later. Wonder of wonders, Lindsay Lohan — who is currently on house arrest after being convicted of jewelry theft and probation violation — has been ordered back to court this morning after she reportedly failed at least one of two alcohol tests. Lohan was forced to take 2 blood alcohol level tests while on house arrest and, according to TMZ, she failed one of the tests. Because of this reported failure, L. Lo must appear before the judge in court today to face the consequences of her actions … which, if history tells us anything, means she will get another slap on the wrists and won’t face any real consequences at all. Click below to read all the deets.

Lindsay Lohan tested positive for alcohol earlier this month … and has been ordered to appear in front of an L.A. County Superior Court judge tomorrow morning … and the Probation Dept. wants her in jail. Here’s what we know. Lindsay was tested twice last week. Sources tell TMZ … Lindsay tested positive for alcohol on one of the tests and negative on the other. In both tests, she tested negative for drugs. One of the tests was administered just after Lindsay had a rooftop barbecue party. Sources tell TMZ … the L.A. County Probation Department will ask Judge Stephanie Sautner to yank her out of house arrest and throw her in L.A. County Jail. And, we’re told, members of the D.A.’s office — will make an appearance as well, to lower the boom on Lindsay. The D.A. is still handling the DUI probation part of Lindsay’s criminal saga. The L.A. City Attorney is handling the necklace case. The Probation Department is pissed off because they tried to force Lindsay to take two tests in May but Lindsay’s lawyer, Shawn Holley, refused to make Lindsay submit, claiming it wasn’t part of her probation. Turns out it was, so Lindsay subsequently took the two tests, one of which she failed. The Probation Dept. is also ticked that Lindsay is having parties while under house arrest. Judge Sautner will hold a hearing [Thursday] at 10 AM.

I mean … DUH! It’s as if none of this has ever happened before! I can’t even remember how many alcohol tests Lindsay failed while under the surveillance of a SCRAM alcohol-monitoring bracelet. Hello, the last time she was forced to wear a SCRAM, she failed at least one alcohol test. Are we REALLY supposed to believe that Lindsay was partying with her friends while under house arrest and she didn’t indulge in anything she’s not supposed to? I don’t know when the court system will realize that Lindsay Lohan will continue to do whatever she wants to do, thumbing her nose at the legal system, because she never EVER gets punished for her crimes. There is talk that she may get sent to jail for real this time … I won’t believe it until I see it. Even if she does get tossed in jail, just like she did a couple of months ago, she’ll likely get out in a matter of hours. This stupid game of “celebrity justice” will continue to play out in this way until Lohan is actually punished for her crimes. Will today be that day? Doubtful … but we’ll find out in a matter of hours.


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