Monday, October 4, 2010

Battle Of The ‘Network’ Stars

Battle Of The ‘Network’ Stars
Last night David and I made our way out to see the new David Fincher film The Social Network and I have to say, without one bit of exaggeration, that it is the best film that I’ve seen all year and will likely be the best film I’ll see before Awards season next year. I [...]

Last night David and I made our way out to see the new David Fincher film The Social Network and I have to say, without one bit of exaggeration, that it is the best film that I’ve seen all year and will likely be the best film I’ll see before Awards season next year. I know the film has been getting a lot of rave reviews but I have to join the chorus … from the direction, to the writing, to the acting, to the music — The Social Network is even better than the hype it’s been receiving:

I remember posing the first photos from the film’s production in November of last year and commenting on how uninteresting I thought the film would be. And to be honest, without Fincher‘s expert direction and screenwriter Aaron Sorkin‘s fantastic script, I’m certain The Social Network would be an incredibly boring movie about all the in-fighting that went on in the wake of the creation of Facebook. Instead, The Social Network is the most interesting, most compelling film I’ve seen in a long time. I am certain the film, at the very least, will be showered in Oscar noms … particularly for Fincher and Sorkin … but very probably for Jesse Eisenberg as well for his outstanding portrayal of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. His acting performance is riveting … and expertly delivered. The film’s score, by Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, is just perfection … my guess is that TR and AR might get an Oscar nom of their own. Additionally, I’m just AMAZED that one actor played both roles of the Winklevoss twins (with the help of a body double/stand in). I don’t even know how that feat was accomplished but … dang, impressive. In all honesty, The Social Network feels like a very long movie (it felt like a long movie even before the Sean Parker character is first introduced) but the storytelling is so compelling that you can’t help but want more. If you were just to read the facts (or alleged facts) about the creation of Facebook you might be interested for a while but I doubt you’d find it very compelling … it is the marriage of expert direction, superb writing and impressive acting that makes The Social Network so good. I’m really curious to hear what those of you out there who saw the movie think. David and I haven’t been able to stop talking about it … and while it’s not a film I think I’ll need to see over and over again, I wouldn’t mind seeing it one more time just to take it all in again. Mark my words, this movie will make a big splash come Awards season next year … and rightly so. It’s good, y’all. It’s really damn good.

Tonight, my friends Angi, Darion and I are going out to see Buffyverse alum James Marsters and his band Ghost of the Robot play a concert here in SoCal … which should be a total blast. All 3 of us are big Buffy/Marsters fans and none of us have met him yet … we’re hoping to remedy that situation tonight :) Happy Saturday!!

Olivia Wilde
Megan Fox

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