Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Apple CEO Steve Jobs Takes Another Medical Leave Of Absence

Apple CEO Steve Jobs Takes Another Medical Leave Of Absence
Two years ago, Apple CEO Steve Jobs shocked the tech world by announcing that he would be taking a medical leave of absence from his duties at Apple and ended up staying away from the company for 6 months before returning to the job looking much skinnier than he did before (due to a liver [...]

Two years ago, Apple CEO Steve Jobs shocked the tech world by announcing that he would be taking a medical leave of absence from his duties at Apple and ended up staying away from the company for 6 months before returning to the job looking much skinnier than he did before (due to a liver transplant). Since his return, Jobs has been operating as CEO as usual, seemingly back to his old self. Today, Jobs has announced that he will be taking another medical leave of absence by issuing a statement that gives no information at all as to why the leave is necessary.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs will take another medical leave of absence beginning on Monday, two years after a six-month sabbatical during which he received a liver transplant. Tim Cook, Apple’s chief operating officer, will take over the company’s day-to-day operations in Jobs’ stead, as he did during Jobs’ last leave of absence.

“At my request, the board of directors has granted me a medical leave of absence so I can focus on my health,” Jobs told Apple employees in an internal memo. “I will continue as CEO and be involved in major strategic decisions for the company. I love Apple so much and hope to be back as soon as I can. In the meantime, my family and I would deeply appreciate respect for our privacy.”

Jobs, who is 55 years old, gave no timetable for his return, but noted that Cook would execute the “plans the company has in place for 2011″ … Jobs did not appear at a Verizon (VZ, Fortune 500) event last week at which the wireless company announced that it would begin carrying the iPhone in February. His last Apple press conference was in mid-July, following the “antennagate” controversy that had many iPhone 4 owners complaining about lost reception when they held their phones a certain way. In the press conference, Jobs offered a free case to anyone who bought an iPhone 4 in the first three months it was on sale. Two of his last public appearances took place on Oct. 7, when the CEO attended a ceremony commemorating a California bill that created an organ donor registry. He followed that with an appearance at an awards event hosted by the Wireless History Foundation. An anticipated public appearance by Jobs was scheduled for this week, as News Corp. was expected to unveil The Daily, an iPad-only news magazine. That event was postponed on Friday, but it is not clear if that had anything to do with Jobs’ health situation.

It should come as no surprise that Jobs is not being forthcoming about his reasons for taking this medical leave of absence. He is a fiercely private man when it comes to his health. It stands to reason, tho, to assume that Jobs may be in need of a medical procedure just as significant as a liver transplant … after all, he is very devoted to his work at Apple and, IMHO, only the most serious of circumstances could pull him away from his duties at Apple. Whatever is going on with Steve Jobs, I wish him a speedy return to his work at Apple and I’m sending all my best wishes his way as he deals with whatever medical procedure(s) he may be dealing with.


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