Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cherry Pop-pin’ Daddies

Cherry Pop-pin’ Daddies
Yesterday was a pretty fantastic day here in SoCal. The 80 degree weather was so freaking amazing that I was inspired to do something that I have never done before. In the almost 5 years that I’ve lived in LA, I’ve never once set foot in Runyon Canyon Park to make the hike up the [...]

Yesterday was a pretty fantastic day here in SoCal. The 80 degree weather was so freaking amazing that I was inspired to do something that I have never done before. In the almost 5 years that I’ve lived in LA, I’ve never once set foot in Runyon Canyon Park to make the hike up the mountain. Despite the popularity (and relative ease) of the place, I’ve never wanted to make the trek … until yesterday.

I casually mentioned to David that we should go and he jumped on that moment of weakness and insisted that we go. I am so glad that we did … the weather was glorious and the hike was actually very fun. I don’t know that I’ll make a habit of hiking Runyon Canyon but we did have fun yesterday. As a treat, David took me to Amoeba Records in Hollywood, CA afterward so that I could get a few new records. I picked up Quiet Riot, Berlin, Missing Persons, Bon Jovi (Slippery When Wet AND New Jersey) each for about $4. Great score!!

Last night, after a bit of resting, David and I met up with our good friends Darion, David and his boyfriend Ray for a night of dancing at Cherry Pop! I was adamant that I had to dance to Britney Spears‘s Hold It Against Me and thanks to Darion, I got my wish last night:

As the night wore on, the song never came on … so Darion (with all of his charms) went up to the DJ and asked him to play the song for me for my 21st birthday. Voila! Best.Night.Ever.

Tonight, David and I are heading over to our friends Ollie and Caleb’s place to have a record party/Golden Globes/drinkfest. I hope your Sunday is just as rad as mine promises to be :) xo

Nikki Reed
Elisha Cuthbert

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