Thursday, July 29, 2010

Joan Rivers Films Her Own Reality TV Show

Joan Rivers Films Her Own Reality TV Show
Joan Rivers, who is enjoying a bit of a career resurgence these days due to her fantastic documentary film Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work, was spotted in Beverly Hills, CA this week with her daughter Melissa Rivers and her grandson Edgar Cooper filming scenes for a new reality show that the ladies are working [...]

Joan Rivers, who is enjoying a bit of a career resurgence these days due to her fantastic documentary film Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work, was spotted in Beverly Hills, CA this week with her daughter Melissa Rivers and her grandson Edgar Cooper filming scenes for a new reality show that the ladies are working on together. Joan confirmed the news of the show on her official Twitter profile, which at first I thought was a joke … until these photos surfaced. Here are photos of Joan and co. in Beverly Hills and her tweet announcement about her new TV show:

I’m doing my own reality show. You’ll know it’s 100% realistic because we’re filming every episode in a plastic surgeon’s office. / Yes-seriously! It’s called “Joan and Melissa: Joan Knows Best” and it will air January 20th on @WEtv.

I think reality TV is ready for Joan Rivers. To be honest, I hadn’t given the woman a second thought in the past 15-20 years or so … but I now have new found respect for Joan since seeing her documentary film. Love her or hate her the woman works really hard and has been working really hard for decades. Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work shows a side of Rivers that I had not previously been aware of and endeared her to me entirely. I know her brashness can turn people off but the fragile emotion she displays in her film truly shows how much of a softy she is underneath her hard as nails exterior. I’m not sure we’ll be seeing much of that fragility in this new reality TV show but I’ll be tuning in for sure when it debuts next year.

[Photo credit: X17; Source]

Olivia Wilde
Megan Fox

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