Thursday, July 1, 2010

BULLSEYE 6/25 Follow-Up: ‘Grown Ups’ show up but the ‘Toys’ bring the noise

BULLSEYE 6/25 Follow-Up: ‘Grown Ups’ show up but the ‘Toys’ bring the noise
MV5BMjA5MjIyNTY2Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTEwMTk1Mw@@._V1._SX640_SY454_Once again, the weekend's preliminary boxoffice results confirmed just about all the analysis in my Bullseye from last week. Other than under-estimating the ultimate draw of "Grown Ups," the boxoffice numbers reflected precisely what Flixster users were indicating. Based on its 85% positive Flixster Score coming out of the previous weekend, I predicted "Toy Story 3" would snag another [...]

Hilary Duff
Blake Lively

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