Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Does ‘Vanity Fair’ Magazine

Lindsay Lohan Does ‘Vanity Fair’ Magazine
Back in July we learned that the then still-incarcerated Lindsay Lohan would be appearing on the cover and in the pages of the September issue of Vanity Fair magazine. Today we get our first look at L. Lo‘s coverphoto for VF mag (which has her lookin’ a bit like Grace Kelly) along with some excerpts [...]

Back in July we learned that the then still-incarcerated Lindsay Lohan would be appearing on the cover and in the pages of the September issue of Vanity Fair magazine. Today we get our first look at L. Lo‘s coverphoto for VF mag (which has her lookin’ a bit like Grace Kelly) along with some excerpts from her coverstory interview … behold:

Her youth, her absent father and her own poor choice of role models led Lindsay Lohan astray, the actress admits in a revealing interview conducted last month, shortly before she began to serve her jail term and stint in treatment. “I was irresponsible. And I’m not making excuses,” Lohan says … quoting the 24-year-old from a new cover story in Vanity Fair. In what she now considers “scary and sad,” Lohan says part of her problem was that the tabloids were her single news source: “I would look up to those girls … the Britneys and whatever. And I would be like, I want to be like that.” Now, though, her clubbing days are over. “I see where that’s gotten me now,” she says, “and I don’t like it.” Not that she finds her past reputation as a party girl entirely deserved. “If I were the alcoholic everyone says I am,” she says, “then putting a [scram] bracelet on would have ended me up in detox, in the emergency room, because I would have had to come down from all the things that people say I’m taking and my father says I’m taking – so that says something, because I was fine.” As for drug use, “I’ve never abused prescription drugs. I never have – never in my life. I have no desire to. That’s not who I am,” she says. “I’ve admitted to the things that I’ve done – to, you know, dabbling in certain things and trying things ’cause I was young and curious and thought it was like, okay, ’cause other people were doing it and other people put it in front of me. And I see what happened in my life because of it.” Going to Los Angeles for her career in her late teens, Lohan, a Long Island native, says, “These were my college years … but they were in the public eye. I was irresponsible. I was experimenting. I was doing certain things that people do 10 times more of when they’re in college.” The problem, she surmises, was “I didn’t have any structure. In the beginning, I had structure, and then I lost all the structure in my life. I think a lot of it was because when I was doing my first slew of movies, it was very go-go, and I had a lot of responsibility, and I think just the second I didn’t have [structure] anymore – I was 18, 19 – with a ton of money.” Largely at fault for her rocky foundation, she says, is father Michael Lohan, who was not there for his family. “I think if anyone should be looked at medically it’s him,” says Lindsay. “He has such a big chemical imbalance at this point because of all the things he’s done to himself. … The worst part of it is you turn around and you see your dad crying and normally you’d be, like, happy that your father’s there. But then he has to go and do an interview right after.” Moving ahead, she says, “I want my career back. I know that I’m a damn good actress, and it’s been my passion since I was a child, and I know that when I care about something, I put 100 percent and more into it. … I want the respect that I had when I was doing great movies. And if that takes not going out to a club at night, then so be it. It’s not fun anyway. I don’t care. It’s the same thing every time.”

See, here’s where I have a problem with this VF interview … Lindsay tries to lay out at the start that it was her “irresponsibility” that caused her downward spiral into jail … and then she makes excuses for every single thing in her life. I do not disagree that her parents are to blame for her dangerous behavior but it’s not her father’s fault alone. Her mother’s enabling ways will prove to destroy Lindsay if she let’s them, I believe that wholeheartedly. Her father may have not provided structure early in her life but her mother is the one causing the harm right now, at Lindsay‘s lowest point. I find it HUGELY comical that Lindsay is also blaming her current woes on the experimentation of her “college years”. LMAO!! That girl has never even seen the inside of a college classroom or even touched a college textbook and she’s happy to say, Oh I was just wild during my “college years” … and other people were worse. I’ve never heard anything so moronic in my life. Lindsay Lohan will NEVER get her life back until she stops giving bullshit answers in magazine interviews and STARTS TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR HER ACTIONS. I’m willing to give her the benefit of the doubt since this interview was conducted before she went to jail and rehab … I’m hoping and praying she has a bit more perspective, one that makes her realize that her problems are due to her poor choices and her total irresponsibility. I know that is a lot to ask for but, honestly, if Lindsay is going to save her own life … she’s going to have to take 100% responsibility for her own life.

After the jump, check out one of the photos from Lindsay‘s VF photospread which will be published in this issue of the magazine …

As usual, pretty pictures … but it’s the interview bits we’ve been given thus far that totally annoy me. Has she learned anything from her recent stints in jail and rehab? I’m afraid I’m not so sure.

[Source, Source]

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