Thursday, November 25, 2010

Original Buffy Kristy Swanson Supports The Whedon-less ‘Buffy’ Reboot Film

Original Buffy Kristy Swanson Supports The Whedon-less ‘Buffy’ Reboot Film
Yesterday we got to hear from Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon regarding his thoughts on plans for Warner Bros. to make an entirely new Buffy film without his involvement. Today we get to hear from the actress who originally played Buffy Summers in the 1992 Buffy the Vampire Slayer film. Kristy Swanson played [...]

Yesterday we got to hear from Buffy the Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon regarding his thoughts on plans for Warner Bros. to make an entirely new Buffy film without his involvement. Today we get to hear from the actress who originally played Buffy Summers in the 1992 Buffy the Vampire Slayer film. Kristy Swanson played Buffy in the original film, written by Joss Whedon, and says that she has no problem with plans for a Whedon-less Buffy reboot … in fact, she hopes to get a starring role in the film herself:

Joss Whedon has already spoken out about plans for an upcoming Buffy the Vampire slayer remake, and now Kristy Swanson, the first woman who first brought the vamp-killing heroine to life on the big screen, also has something to say about it: “Let Buffy live. Why not?” “If they wanted me to be a part of it, I think that would be fantastic and that it would be a blast,” she tells EW. Swanson was 22 when she first stepped into the role that would be transformed by Sarah Michelle Gellar seven years later, and she remembers that her first reaction to the new take on the character was, in fact, positive. (“It was a whole new idea, a whole new look,” she says.) And she believes a transformation can happen again — even without its original maker. “There are die-hard Joss Whedon fans who absolutely love him to death, and rightly so. He’s a brilliant man, no doubt,” she says. “I love everything Buffy. I don’t care who’s doing it.” Swanson’s co-star, Luke Perry said via his rep that he has no comment on the project.

No offense to Kristy Swanson but of course she supports and wants to be in this Buffy reboot, after all … what else doe she have going for her? While she is the original Buffy Summers, she is not really Buffy at all. And let’s be honest, she has no allegiance to Joss Whedon … she may have worked with him for only a day or two IF AT ALL when they worked on the original Buffy film. She starred in the original film, yes, but that film has little bearing on how the Buffy saga actually turned out on the long-running and FAR superior TV series. Kristy Swanson will always have a special place in my heart because she did play the original Buffy … but these comments prove to me that she really has no ties to the actual Buffyverse. This would be more of a story if Sarah Michelle Gellar chimed in to support the Buffy reboot … but that will never happen. In fact, I’m convinced that NONE of the actors who starred in the BtVS TV series or its Angel spin-off would ever support plans for a Buffy film sans Joss Whedon. Swanson says “Let Buffy live” and I say, she does live … Buffy and her gang of Scoobies have been alive and well for years now in the excellent comic books series which is overseen and written by Joss Whedon! This Whedon-less reboot is just a bad idea and I honestly hope the film never sees the light of day. It would be such an affront to all the hard work that Joss Whedon has done over the years. As you may know, fans are amassing on Facebook at the I’m With JoJo campaign to show their support for Joss Whedon. Whether or not the film actually comes out, you can be sure there will be legions of Buffy fans who will not support the film. I am one of those fans.

No Whedon? No Buffy.


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Mila Kunis

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