Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Watch: Anne Hathaway Discusses The Catwoman Backlash

Watch: Anne Hathaway Discusses The Catwoman Backlash
Last week we got our very first look at actress Anne Hathaway in costume as Catwoman as she will appear in the upcoming sequel film Batman: The Dark Knight Rises and since then … there has been a lot of talk about that first look. By and large, the reaction from fans has been negative, [...]

Last week we got our very first look at actress Anne Hathaway in costume as Catwoman as she will appear in the upcoming sequel film Batman: The Dark Knight Rises and since then … there has been a lot of talk about that first look. By and large, the reaction from fans has been negative, to say the least. Anne herself is aware of the backlash and she addressed it in a new interview with MTV. While promoting her next film, One Day, Anne was asked about the Catwoman thing and, well, click below to hear what she had to say.

It was the photo that launched a thousand blog posts, tweets and message-board debates. Last week, the Web was ablaze when Warner Bros. released the first photo of Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle in “The Dark Knight Rises.” MTV News was immediately on the case, offering up our own analysis, as well as thoughts from a few experts on what the photo of Hathaway in costume, riding what looked to be Batman’s motorcycle, meant for the character and her assumed transformation into Catwoman. Now, in knowing how tight-lipped the “Dark Knight Rises” stars are sworn to be about the films, when we caught up with Hathaway as she promoted the upcoming movie “One Day,” we didn’t expect her to offer any commentary about the photo — but she surprised us. “I was not going to admit it: I asked someone to send me a few reactions [to the photo],” she said. “And I happen to know that MTV’s reaction was ‘meh.’ ” Now, we’re not sure about the “meh” quote, but we will admit to using the phrases “cautiously optimistic,” “unflattering” and “underwhelming” in our analysis. Regardless, Hathaway said that no matter the first impressions, there is a lot more happening with that suit. “What I am happy to say is, if you didn’t like the photo, you only see about a 10th of what that suit can do,” she promised. “And if you did like the photo, you have excellent taste.”

LOL. You know what … good for her. While I must admit that I am not impressed yet with Anne‘s casting as the sexy Selina Kyle/Catwoman, I can appreciate that she has an amazing attitude about the criticism leveled against her. I am not at all surprised that she has responded with a good-natured tone. I remain unconvinced tho. She says that we have “only [seen] about a 10th of what that suit can do” but, duh, that’s because we’ve only seen a static photo. So far, we know that the costume covers her nakedness … and that’s about it. At some point, I’m hoping we’ll see something more impressive. Until that time, tho, I’m reserving judgment … like a mofo. Still … I love how Anne has responded. To me, she may not (yet) be a Catwoman but she deffo is an intelligent and nice woman.


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