Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Oscilloscope’s Adam Yauch calls ‘bullshit’ on the MPAA

Oscilloscope’s Adam Yauch calls ‘bullshit’ on the MPAA
MV5BMjE0NTc3ODcxMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzkwNDE2Mw@@._V1._SX467_SY683_The Motion Picture Association of America just handed an R rating to the Holocaust documentary "A Film Unfinished," and distributor Oscilloscope Laboratories is not happy. The company's founder, Adam Yauch, minced no words by calling the MPAA's ruling -- for “disturbing images of Holocaust atrocities including graphic nudity" -- "bullshit." "This is too important of a historical [...]

Pen�lope Cruz
Hilary Duff

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